AR & VR APPS Carbon-based Nano Core-Shell & Meso Disordered_solids High Temperatures Materials Genome Molecular Docking Nanolaminates 2D Nano


We are developing many-body MD potentials to assess the mechanical properties of metal+ceramic nanolaminates. Specifically, we are particularly interested in elucidating the effect of nano-scale 2D confinement on the active deformation and failure mode(s) of  a mixture of typically brittle ceramic and relatively more ductile metallic layers. As an example, we currently work with our collaborator Prof. Caizhi Zhou (U South Carolina) in evaluating the compression behavior of TiN-Al nanolaminates and finding most effective ways to mitigate the crack propagation in TiN (work in progress):











Deformation and failure modes of the TiN/Al nanocomposites during compression

(Master's thesis work of our graduate student Paul Simanjuntak)   

  • Top: A snapshot of volumetric strain during compression.

  • Bottom left: A snapshot of displacement vectors (yellow) relative to the original positions at the crack initiation near the TiN/Al interface

  • Bottom right: Development of slip bands at the TiN/Al interface during compression (plan view).