Anthony Ascone

Research Group Alumni

Anthony Ascone


Research : 

Accelerated docking and MD simulations on a cancer drug delivery to onco-protein inhibitors

Publications : 

Anthony Ascone and Ridwan Sakidja, "MDM2 Case Study: Computational Protocol Utilizing Protein Flexibility Improves Ligand Binding Mode Predictions", International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, Vol. 10 No. 3 pp. 217 - 224 (2017).

Education :

B.S. in Physics, Drury University

M.S in Materials Science, Missouri State University

Contact :

Address: Dept. of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science

921 S John Q Hammons Pkwy, Springfield, MO 65897

I received my bachelor degree in science as a physics major from Drury University in 2013, where my research focused on computational bio-physics. As an undergraduate, I worked on a validation study of a popular molecular docking program resulting in a paper published in 2014 titled “Validation of a computational docking methodology to identify the non-covalent binding site of ligands to DNA”. I recently completed my Masters degree in materials science working with Dr. Sakidja investigating computational methodologies to advance and accelerate cancer drug research. My thesis project is investigating new protocols to more accurately and quickly utilize both docking and molecular dynamics programs to identify possible drug candidates as cancer therapeutics.