Rajan Khadka

Research Group Alumni

(now a PhD. Candidate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute )

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Education :


B.S. in Applied Physics , Kathmandu University, Nepal.
MSc in Materials Science, Missouri State University


Study on large scale atomistic models of amorphous boron carbide (a-B4C) and hydrogenated boron carbide (a-BCH) using Molecular Dynamics and Hybrid RMC technique.



Research Support:

National Science Foundation (DMREF Program)



Contact Information:

Kemper Hall 103C
Dept. of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science 921 S John Q Hammons Pkwy, Springfield, MO 65897


Rajan was a Research Assistant and a Master's student at MSU in Material Science (MS) Graduate Program. He really enjoys exploring the different kinds of structures icosahedral B12 which can form as disordered solids. At MSU, he was studying amorphous materials comprised of different variants of boron carbide and orthocarborane as its precursor. Currently, he is using MD & RMC (HRMC, RMC_Pot) approaches to deal with large scale models and ab initio (VASP) for small scale structures. In his free time, he enjoys playing ping pong, walking and biking around.

Conference and Presentations:

1.     Material Science and Technology 2018 (MS&T18)

Oral Presentation

Title: Atomistic Modelling of Amorphous Boron Carbide Materials (B4C)

2.    43rd International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2019)

Oral Presentation

Title: The Structure of amorphous hydrogenated boron carbide (a-BC: H) studied using a Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo algorithm (HRMC)

3.     Seminar-Missouri State University

Oral Presentation

Title: Modeling of large scale structure of amorphous boron carbide (a-B4C) & hydrogenated boron carbide (a-BCH) using Molecular Dynamics & Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo (HRMC) technique.