Missouri State University
Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning

Missouri State


Page 4


(click on image to see larger version)

Spherical weathing of basalt within the Dobe Graben

Camels at a rare watering hole

Modern Lacustrine gastropods within the lake sediments in the Tendaho Graben

Patches of grass signifying where fumaroles and hot springs occur in the Tendaho Graben

Two of our Afari Guards

Some of the thousands of concretions caused by upwelling hot water in the Tendaho Graben

Is this a transform fault?


One of the thousands of dust devils seen every day in the Tendaho


A friendly camel with Wondossen, Matt and it's Afari owner

Matt, Mohammed and an Afari in the Dobe

Some leery camels as we descend into the Dobe graben

Lunch in the abundant shade in the Dobe

Getting stuck in the Tendaho

Wanna mess with us??

A common site in the Afar, a herder and his goats


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Missouri State University Copyright © 2002 Board of Governors, Missouri State University
Page created and maintained by Kevin Mickus
Last revised: January 23, 2016 .