Missouri State University
Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning

Missouri State


Page 5


(click on image to see larger version)

Nomads moving within the Dobe

Nomad huts

Steve taking magnetic readings in the Dobe

Kevin taking a gravity reading in the Dobe with Wondossen determining the dip of the strata

Matt checking up on the GPS unit

One of the few towns within the Afar

Trailers where we stayed


Our home, the geothermal camp near Logia


Matt with our very friendly and good cook!

An ostrich within the Tendaho

A baboon within Awash National Park during our drive back to Addis

A very friendly and hungry Croc in the Awash River!

A famous Oryx w ithin Awash NP

A magnificant Lesser Kurdu

Matt and Tesafaye at Awash Falls

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Missouri State University Copyright © 2002 Board of Governors, Missouri State University
Page created and maintained by Kevin Mickus
Last revised: January 23, 2016 .