Missouri State University
Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning

Missouri State


Page 2

(click on image to see larger version)

The crater at the top of Erebus
Erebus crater with instruments monitoring the lava lake
The lava lake
The Transantarctic Mountains from the summit of Erebus
The Ross Sea ice edge from the summit of Erebus

Side Crater from the summit of Erebus
One hour old volcanic bomb from Erebus with Emily and Tim
Bomb trail
Fresh volcanic glass
Molten rock in the lava bomb
Phil and Emily at a gravity station
The gravity snowmobile
Helicopter gravity on the side of Erebus

Dave drilling the hole for the vertical magnetic coil for a MT survey
Tim at a GPS station on Mt. Terror


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Missouri State University Copyright © 2002 Board of Governors, Missouri State University
Page created and maintained by Kevin Mickus
Last revised: January 23, 2016 .