Missouri State University
Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning

Missouri State


January, 2003

                                                                                                                     Page 5

(click on image to see larger version)

link to image of slump in the Jackfork Formation at Big Rock Quarry in North Little Rock
A view of eastern edge of the rift valley
link to image of channel margin at Big Rock Quarry
A girl in the Afar region showing off her colorful clothing
link to image of quarry wall in North Little Rock
Oryx within Awash National Park
link to image of west end of large channel in the North Big Rock Quarry
Bags of explosives to be used for one of the seismic shots in the Afar region
link to image of east end of large channel in Big Rock Quarry
Loading a shot hole in the Afar region
link to image of close-up of eastern edge of large channel
More shot loading
link to image of recumbent fold
Shot hole with the crater formed after the shot went off, south of Metahara
link to image of prominent spaced cleavage
Casing that got blown out of the shot hole
link to image of sandstone injection dike cutting recumbent fold
Filling in the crater and shot hole after the casing blew out
link to image of refolded fold
Green Lake and crater near Debra Zeit, the site of one of the lake shots
link to group photo 1
Green Lake
link to group photo 2
Just after the lake shot
link to image of refolded fold
The very arid Afar region during picking up of the seismic instruments
link to group photo 1
The Somalian Plateau from the Afar region
link to group photo 2
Picking up of seismic instruments



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Page created and maintained by Kevin Mickus
Last revised: April 07, 2010 .