Missouri State University
Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning

Missouri State


January, 2003

                                                                                                                  Page 6

(click on image to see larger version)

link to image of slump in the Jackfork Formation at Big Rock Quarry in North Little Rock
More picking up of instruments, the Ethiopian military did an excellent job in assuring our safety in the Afar region
link to image of channel margin at Big Rock Quarry
Not all Texans made it back and a few that did were worse for their wear
link to image of quarry wall in North Little Rock
Dr. Abera taking one of hundreds of gravity measurements between Awash and Nazareth
link to image of west end of large channel in the North Big Rock Quarry
A few of the very helpful assistants on the State Farm south of Metahara
link to image of east end of large channel in Big Rock Quarry
Cinder cone near the state farm
link to image of close-up of eastern edge of large channel
Escarpment within the rift and a cinder cone
link to image of recumbent fold
Typical huts in the countryside as we collected gravity data
link to image of prominent spaced cleavage
Simon inspecting some huts
link to image of sandstone injection dike cutting recumbent fold
The final gravity readings were on the main road to Lake Ziway, this is the >> volcano
link to image of refolded fold
Lake Ziway, the northern most of the great rift valley lakes, and two cinder cones/islands
link to group photo 1
Lake Ziway and cinder cones
link to group photo 2
Lake Ziway and Marabou Storks
link to image of refolded fold
The final phase of the experiment was a MT survey headed by Kathy Whaler shown here at the geophysical observatory
link to group photo 1
Close up of a MT magnetometer
link to group photo 2
Electrode for the electrical field measurements



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Page created and maintained by Kevin Mickus
Last revised: April 07, 2010 .