Solution to Problem #27

  1. If we denote the radius of one of the circles by r, then the length of a side of the larger square is 4r. Denote the length of a side of the smaller square by x. The distance from the center of the larger square to one of the corners is 2*Sqrt[2]*r by the Pythagorean Theorem. On the other hand, it is x/2 + 2r + x/2 = 2r + x. Therefore, x = (2*Sqrt[2] - 2)r. The ratio of the areas is ((2*Sqrt[2] - 2)r)2/(4r)2 = ((Sqrt[2] - 1)/2)2 = (3 - 2*Sqrt[2])/2 or approximately .04289....

  2. If we denote the radius of one of the circles by r, then the length of a side of the larger triangle is (2*Sqrt[3]+2)r [see the first figure]. Denote the length of a side of the smaller triangle by x. Consider the second figure, which is a blown up version of the first. We have the measure of angle AOX = Pi/2 and AB = AX = r, so AO = 2*Sqrt[3]*AX/3 = 2*Sqrt[3]*r. Therefore OB = (2*Sqrt[3]/3 - 1)r. Since the measure of angle BOY = Pi/3, we have x/2 = BY = Sqrt[3]*OB = Sqrt[3](2*Sqrt[3]/3 - 1)r and hence x = (4 - 2*Sqrt[3])r. Since the ratio of the areas of the triangles is the square of the ratio of the sides, we have ((4 - 2*Sqrt[3])/(2*Sqrt[3] + 2))2 = (26 - 15*Sqrt[3])/2 or approximately .009619... as the ratio of the areas.

  3. An argument analogous to the one above show that a side of the larger n-gon has length (2 + 2*Tan[Pi/n])r. The segment analogous to OB has length (Csc[Pi/n - 1)r and hence a side of the smaller n-gon has length Tan[Pi/n]*(Csc[Pi/n - 1)r. After simplifying, the ratio of the lengths of the sides of the n-gons is (1 - Sin[Pi/n])/(Cos[Pi/n] + Sin[Pi/n]), so the ratio of the areas is ((1 - Sin[Pi/n])/(Cos[Pi/n] + Sin[Pi/n])2.

  4. The limit as n approaches infinity of the ratio above is ((1 - 0)/(1 + 0))2 = 1. This gibes with our intuition, since as n gets larger, the smaller n-gon gets closer and closer to the larger one. The figure shows the case when n = 30.

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