MathMania 2013

  1. The price of an item is marked up 10% and then decreased 20%. What is the net decrease in the price?

  2. If you have 62 dimes and quarters that are worth a total of $11, how many dimes do you have?

  3. At 3:40, what is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand of a clock (in degrees)?

  4. If x + 1/x = 3, then x3 + 1/x3 =

  5. If x − 2 is a factor of x3 − kx + 6, what must k be?

  6. Find all solutions to the equation x2 = |3x + 2|.

  7. Square ABCD has area 1. Given that AX/XB = BY/YC = CZ/ZD = DW/WA = 1/2, find the area of the small shaded square.

Here are the answers.