By Dr. Ridwan Sakidja
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
- Congrats to our recent MS graduate Rajan Khadka for his first publication on B4C amorphous structures in J. Non Crystalline Solids. Rajan is to join the PhD program in the Materials Science Dept. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) starting Spring of 2020.
- "Presenting the Graduates!" Congratulations to PAMS graduates & members of our research group; L-R: Austin Bollinger & Devon Romine w/ BSc in Physics and Sabila Kader Pinky, Rajan Khadka & Muztoba Rabbani w/MSc in Materials Science. Photo credit: Rouchy
- Enjoying our last group meeting with the three Mat. Sci. Sc graduates from our research group (from the right side): Muztoba Rabbani, Sabila Pinky & Rajan Khadka. All have received multiple Research Assistantship (RA) offers to PhD programs at R-1 institutions starting in Spring of 2020. Big congratulations also to our undergraduate students, Devon Romine (left side) and Austin Bollinger graduating with a Bachelor Degree in Physics. Well done everyone!
- Presented our recent work at the World Congress on High Entropy Alloys (HEA 2019) held in Seattle & visited the University of Washington ("U-Dub"). Met with our fine alumni & currently a PhD student at UW, Diwash Dhakal (Diwash's former advisor at Missouri State was Dr. Mayanovic). Also got a chance to have a discussion with the world-renowned expert in nanomedicine & Mat. Science Prof. Dr. Miqin Zhang in her lab. along w/ the metal fatigue and HEA expert Prof. Peter K Liaw from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Look forward to building our future collaborations!
Top: With our MSU alumni at UWash: Diwash Dhakal
Bottom Left to Right: Dr. Sakidja, Dr. Miqin Zhang and Dr. Peter K Liaw
- Big congratulations to our group members; Muztoba Rabbani, Sabila Kader Pinky and Rajan Khadka that successfully defended their theses (pictured below with the committee members Dr. Besara and Dr. Ghosh.
Top: Dr. Besara, Dr. S, Rajan and Dr. Ghosh
Bottom: Dr. Besara, Dr. S, Sabila, Muztoba & Dr. Ghosh
- Enjoyed our visit @MissouriSandT, giving a seminar talk at the Dept. of Materials Sci. & Engineering and meeting Chairman and Curator's Prof. Thomas Vojta of the Dept. of Physics. The MS&E seminar was hosted by our collaborator and colleague Curator's Prof. Bill Fahrenholtz. Very much look forward to building more research collaborations with the faculties at Missouri S&T.
- Our @PAMSatMSU @CNASatMSU graduate students presented their research works at one of the largest gatherings of materials scientists & engineers in the US, Materials Science & Technology (MS&T19) in Portland, OR. L to R: Abdullah Shafe (advised by Dr. Mayanovic) and two of our group members: Sabila Kader Pinky & Muztoba Rabbani. Great job everyone!
for giving us at Missouri State & our families the opportunity to volunteer for its Weekend Backpack Program; a worthy cause program that provides food-insecure children with enough food on weekends. I appreciate our students @PAMSatMSU @CNASatMSU. You are making your MISSOURI STATEment!
- Visited the Dept. of Phyiscs and Astronomy at UMKC & met with our NSF DMREF team, a research collaboration between UMKC, OhioState and MissouriState. Rajan Khadka and Kwabena Asante-Boahen gave presentations highlighting the results of our computational project including the work of Nirmal Baishnab now a PhD student at Mizzou.
- Proud to collaborate with Dr. Razib Iqbal from the Computer Science dept. working with the PAMS and CS students in developing Augmented and Virtual Reality tools to visualize the dynamics of high-temperature composites under extreme environments. The project was supported by MOSGC-NASA consortium and Dr. Iqbal just recently presented a part of the works at the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), 26-28 July 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Course alert to undergrad & grad students @PAMSatMSU @CNASatMSU @MissouriState. We will be offering new courses on electron microscopy in Spring 2020! These courses will also give you the practical training in operating our Scanning Electron Microscopy. Check them out!
SEM pics of (L) silica microfibers and (R) surface of duckweed leaf with stoma, credit: Dr. Kissoon-Charles research group
- Last group meeting with our recent MS graduate Nirmal Baishnab. He is off to attend the University of Missouri at Columbia this Fall, pursuing a PhD in Physics . Wish you all the best Nirmal!
- Congrats to our undergraduate student Devon Romine with his atomistic modeling work being the part of an accepted publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. This is a result of our NSF(EPMD)-supported collaboration at Missouri State with Prof. Judy Wu's group at KU. Great job!
- Many thanks to our colleagues from R1 and R2 research-intensive universities (Missouri S&T, UMKC, KU and Ohio State) that are teaming up thus far with our group at Missouri State in pursuing materials research. We are grateful for the support of grant programs from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) of the Department of Energy (DOE). These collaborations help us in building a wide range of research portfolio that benefits both our undergraduate and graduate students at Missouri State. Thank you!
- Our group at Missouri State very much looks forward to working with the Curators' Distinguished Professors of Ceramic Engineering at the Missouri University of Science & Technology : Dr. William Fahrenholtz and Dr. Greg Hilmas to design & synthesize new classes of entropy-stabilized ultra-high temperature composites (UHTC) thanks to the grant support from the Advanced Manufacturing Program of the National Science Foundation (NSF). This is our second Federally-supported research collaboration with the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Missouri S&T. Indeed, we are better together!
L-R: Dr. Fahrenholtz, Dr. Hilmas & Dr. Sakidja
L-R: Dr. Sakidja, Nirmal Baishnab, Dr. Besara and Dr. Ghosh
- Enjoying our group & family's picnic at Springfield's beautiful Phelps Grove Park located near our Missouri State campus. Good food, good company, good times!
Photo credit: Muztoba Rabbani
- I am humbled to receive a promotion to Full Professor in the Dept. of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science at Missouri State. First, I would like to thank the One above, Almighty. I am grateful for the support and love from my family. And my sincerest gratitude to my mentors, my colleagues, my research sponsors, my current & former students and all of the members & alumni of our research group. Could not have done this without your tremendous help. Terima kasih (thank you)
Top left to right: Dr. Sakidja, Nirmal, Tyler, Sabila, David, Yuxuan, Muztoba and Rajan. Bottom left to right: Missing in pic: Devon & to join us in July: Bikash & Alin.
- Big congratulations to the graduating seniors in our group (from L to R): Chris Klenke, Greg Luckey and William Brockmeier. Chris is going to be a graduate student the University of Arkansas while both Greg & William are pursuing careers in industries. We wish them all the very best !
- I am very appreciative of CNAS, our college at Missouri State, for selecting me as one of the faculty recipients of 2019 CNAS awards for research. Thank you!
Greg Luckey (L) & Devon Romine (R) gave presentations about modeling impact crater using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) as a part of a Geology course developed by Prof. Kevin Evans @MSUggp in collab. w/ our group @PAMSatMSU. Thanks to our Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning for the funding support!
- Congratulations to Rajan Khadka who was selected as one of the graduate students recognized for their outstanding oral presentations at the 26th Annual Frank Einhellig Graduate Interdisciplinary Forum (E-IDF)! The title of his talk was "Studying the structural properties of amorphous Boron Carbide using MD and HRMC".
Right: Photo of Rajan receiving the award from Missouri State Provost Dr. Frank Einhellig
*** Congrats to Austin and Devon to win the first & second places
in Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science category! ***
- March 18th: it is 60 degrees F in Springfield, MO! Perfect time to take a photo of our research group @PAMSatMSU @CNASatMSU; The Spring 2019 Edition , in front of our beloved @ThePSUBear. Missing in pic: Greg Luckey & Yuxuan Lu.
From right & bottom: Rouchy, Sabila, Tyler, William, Austin, Chris, Devon
From right & top: Matt, Nirmal, Rajan, Daniel and Ridwan
- We got a notification from @googlecloud granting us a $20,000 worth of credit for storage & cloud computing to support our pilot project on computational materials research that we just recently initiated in collaboration with four R1 Research Institutions. The pilot project is named ICME2: Informatics Consortium for Materials under Extreme Environments. Thank you!
- Thanks to the Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning @FCTLMSU in Missouri State for supporting our collaboration effort i.e. between the GGP & PAMS departments led by Geology Prof. Kevin R. Evans on a curriculum innovation to help educate our students on the fundamental physics & mechanics of an impact crater.
Dr. Kevin R. Evans (GGP)
Photo/illustration of Weaubleau impact structures in MO from Evans_2015NCGSA
- Nirmal, Rajan & I presented our NSF-funded research works at the 43th International Conference and Expo. on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2019) in Daytona Beach, FL. As a bonus: we met our Materials Science's MS graduate Delower Hossain, now a PhD candidate in Materials Science in Penn State. He has been a remarkably productive in his research works and continues to be our collaborator.
Left to right: Nirmal Baishnab, Dr. Sakidja, Delower Hossain and Rajan Khadka.