
By Dr. Ridwan Sakidja

2015   2016   2017   2018   2019

2020   2021


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Top: With our MSU alumni at UWash: Diwash Dhakal

Bottom Left to Right: Dr. Sakidja, Dr. Miqin Zhang and Dr. Peter K Liaw


Top: Dr. Besara, Dr. S, Rajan and Dr. Ghosh

Bottom: Dr. Besara, Dr. S, Sabila, Muztoba & Dr. Ghosh


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  • Proud to collaborate with Dr. Razib Iqbal from the Computer Science dept. working with the PAMS and CS students in developing Augmented and Virtual Reality tools to visualize the dynamics of high-temperature composites under extreme environments. The project was supported by MOSGC-NASA consortium and Dr. Iqbal just recently presented a part of the works at the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), 26-28 July 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.

CNAS blog:

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  • Course alert to undergrad & grad students @PAMSatMSU @CNASatMSU @MissouriState. We will be offering new courses on electron microscopy in Spring 2020! These courses will also give you the practical training in operating our Scanning Electron Microscopy. Check them out!


SEM pics of (L) silica microfibers and (R) surface of duckweed leaf with stoma, credit: Dr. Kissoon-Charles research group




L-R: Dr. Fahrenholtz, Dr. Hilmas & Dr. Sakidja

L-R: Dr. Sakidja, Nirmal Baishnab, Dr. Besara and Dr. Ghosh

Photo credit: Muztoba Rabbani

  • I am humbled to receive a promotion to Full Professor in the Dept. of Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science at Missouri State. First, I would like to thank the One above, Almighty. I am grateful for the support and love from my family. And my sincerest gratitude to my mentors, my colleagues, my research sponsors, my current & former students and all of the members & alumni of our research group. Could not have done this without your tremendous help. Terima kasih (thank you)



Top left to right: Dr. Sakidja, Nirmal, Tyler, Sabila, David, Yuxuan, Muztoba and Rajan. Bottom left to right: Missing in pic: Devon & to join us in July: Bikash & Alin.


  • Big congratulations to the graduating seniors in our group (from L to R): Chris Klenke, Greg Luckey and William Brockmeier. Chris is going to be a graduate student the University of Arkansas while both Greg & William are pursuing careers in industries. We wish them all the very best !

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Right: Photo of Rajan receiving the award from Missouri State Provost Dr. Frank Einhellig

*** Congrats to Austin and Devon to win the first & second places

in Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science category! ***


From right & bottom: Rouchy, Sabila, Tyler, William, Austin, Chris, Devon

From right & top: Matt, Nirmal, Rajan, Daniel and Ridwan 


Dr. Kevin R. Evans (GGP)


Photo/illustration of Weaubleau impact structures in MO from Evans_2015NCGSA








Left to right: Nirmal Baishnab, Dr. Sakidja, Delower Hossain and Rajan Khadka.