Summer 2007
Here is a (clickable) list of the participants and their projects from the REU at Missouri State in the summer of 2007 and links to some other photos.
Nathan Bloomfield, "On the Orientable Genus of a Zero-Divisor Graph"
Michael Campbell, "On Methods for Accelerating and Updating Google's PageRank"
Ben Leard and Cat Lewis, "Population Dynamics of a Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey Model with Non-Constant Havesting Policies"
Immanuel McLaughlin and Andy Owens, "The Hamiltonicity of Subgroup Graphs"
Stephen Parry, "A Generalization of Recursive Integer Sequences of Order Two"
Kerry Sipe, "On the Non-Orientable Genus of a Zero-Divisor Graph"
Robin Tucker-Drob, "Cohen-Macaulay Monomial Rings"
Our graduate assistants:
Uriah Williams
Darren Wynne
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